What is Low Code Development

Low code development is a practice where a developer environment is translated to a model driven environment allowing people with no or low code skills to develop applications.

Build applications more efficiently with low code development.

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There used to be a time when each trade had it’s unique skill requirements. For metal works you’d have to visit a blacksmith. Want some furniture? Visit a carpenter. Then technology advanced, reducing the effort and skill required to mold or build something. 

A couple of decades ago, it was unrealistic to ask a no coder to build a website. It was a job which required knowledge over html, xml, css and so on. Fast forward to today, when you can build a custom website or app in a day by just drag dropping content, processes or widgets. You want an image? Sure, just upload it and place it where you want it. This is called Low code development. 

If anyone can build a website then why do we need develop-. Let me stop you there. While low code development can take you far, it won’t take you all the way. There are both pros and cons to this practice and it isn’t applicable for all use cases. Is this a viable option to your business? Read on to find out :)

A couple of decades ago, it was unrealistic to ask a no coder to build a website. It was a job which required knowledge over html, xml, css and so on. Fast forward to today, when you can build a custom website or app in a day by just drag dropping content, processes or widgets.

What is low code development?

Low code development refers to the use of certain solutions or platforms which can help users with little or no coding knowledge to create applications. This is facilitated by translating a technical coding environment into a more visual drag and drop environment.

This, however does not imply that professional developers don't use Low Code Platforms (LCPs). LCPs provide developers with an advanced platform where they can handle both client and server side development. 

There are a lot of popular Low Code Development Platforms for a wide range of applications. Since it’s just referred to as ‘low code’ which is a broad term, it’s a little hard to capture how vast it really is. You can build applications, websites, workflows and almost anything which involves coding. Solutions like UI Path offer a solution to completely different use case from that of Salesforce. So identify your use cases first, before jumping in to purchase an LCP.

The allure of low code platforms

LCPs have evolved to a point where they have become a necessary part of the enterprise application suite. Gartner predicts that by 2024, more than 65% of application development will be handled with low code development. That means more low code than traditional coding! So, what makes businesses turn to LCPs? 

  • Reduced effort: With LCPs, developer’s don’t have to spend time coding for simple tasks. Some LCPs also come with in built integrations, reducing the time needed to integrate data from multiple sources.

  • Faster deployment: Since you don’t have to code (unless you want to get advanced or custom), development takes significantly less time. Why specify the dimensions of an image when you can just pull at the corner of a box and drag it around? Deployment comes easy, since most LCPs handle both client and server side.

  • Easy to use: Imagine building a website the same way as uploading an image on Instagram. You can add text wherever you want, resize images in an instant and so on. This does sound like an oversimplified example, but hey! It’s kind of the same.

  • Instant updates: If you are not using an LCP, a simple content change looks like this. You send the updated content to your web development team. They make the changes and push it on the next website update which could be in a day or a week. With an LCP, you just change the content directly and boom, your work is finished.

There are some cons to using LCPs as well. I mean, it’ll be too weird if it didn't, right? The main issue is an advantage mentioned before. Being able to easily update content on a live website or application is a double edged sword. With no levels or review, mistakes are bound to happen. 

There is also a clear difference on how a developer and a non developer would utilize an LCP. If you were to develop an application without proper structure, it will be difficult for subsequent update deployment and further app development. 

Lack of security awareness and expertise can pose problems as well. The lack of planning and proper visibility into the development of these applications can make it difficult to spot vulnerabilities later on. Also, some LCPs do not allow you to use custom codes. If you have a very specific app or website in mind, you cannot realize it completely without custom codes.

Are LCPs good for your business?

The short answer? It completely comes down to your use case and man power. If you think certain areas in your development projects does not require legacy coding then sure! Switch away! Bear in mind that LCPs are not recommended for legacy system overhauls.

On average, 41% of an organization comprises of business technologists. These are employees who does not report under any development teams. According to a Gartner survey in 2021, these employees work with no code or low code technologies to generate analytics and work on development projects.

No-code website development using Webflow.

LCPs are generally a great idea for start ups and small businesses. They may not have a fully mature team and it’s likely that certain projects would be handled by a single person. The level of work probably will not require heavy customization as well. In a startup or a small business, you might have young professionals who have zero to little coding skills. Using traditional coding for these scenarios might be too time consuming. An LCP on the contrary, would be the ideal solution.

The future of low code development

Gartner says that the demand for app development is growing atleast five times faster than an IT team’s capability to work on them. This could lead to a lot of project backlogs. Additionally, about 70% of organizations have built or are building a digital transformation strategy. The success rate of digital transformation, however is only 30%.

Enter Low code development, a solution to both these growing demands. LCPs significantly reduce the workload of you development team, paving way to increased productivity by reducing time spent on projects. A major part or digital transformation involves processes. By adopting the right LCP, you can automate your processes on a model based system. This mean no coding and no scripts. You can build your processes visually and run them easily. This can help pick up the pace in your digital transformation strategy and improve its success rate.

Gartner estimates that the low code application platform market revenue is estimated to reach $29 billion by 2025. This is no surprise, owing to increased awareness and adoption of LCPs by small as well as large businesses.

About 70% of organizations have built or are building a digital transformation strategy. The success rate of digital transformation, however is only 30%.


Low code platforms have been gaining popularity over the past decade and they will continue to grow. LCPs offer development capabilities to people with low or no coding knowledge by providing a more visual development environment. Different LSPs have their own niche, so research on them before going in for a purchase.

Should your business turn to an LCP? That’s difficult to answer. Every businesses has its own set of processes and the complexity of these processes also vary. It would be best to analyze your business processes and identify where an LCP would be an ideal fit. If you’ve found it, then research till you find the right fit for you. Adopting an LCP is a big decision, since it will affect existing processes and ones to come. 

My opinion? Find that sweet spot between low code and traditional coding; adopting the best of both worlds. 

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